Hi, in a previous entry, we saw how to deploy and get up to work an OOTBI Virtual Appliance,
We will add an extra node to the «Single Node Cluster» to become a multi-node one.
The steps are straightforward, let’s see them via screenshots with comments:
First of all, we need to deploy the OOTBI VSA which will be added to the cluster,
follow the guide from the previous entry, ending after the deployment (don’t create the Cluster again).

After the update, you will be pushed to the initial menu, go over it again, and the data (NIC config) will remain, just go forward and continue

The one we used/created in the previous entry, and the objectfirst user password we created.

Now, that our Cluster setup is done, we need to update the information in our VBR to get the space and the cluster working fine.
In the picture below you can see that the S3 bucket from the cluster remains at 1TB.

If we do the rescan repository it will give us an error like so.

Please Right click into the Repo, and re-run the setup wizard,
next, next, finish.
The thing that will happen is that, when extending the cluster, the certificate has changed, so now the VBR needs to grab it again from our OOTBI Cluster to work properly.

As you can see, after the re-config, the VBR sees 2TB of Storage, so the cluster has been updated!

Following the guide, I will add one more node, so we will have a 3TB Cluster!
Follow the same steps from before, and now, we will see the 3 Nodes and the 3TB storage!

Once again, run the setup (properties) wizard for the Repo once again to get the certificate updated!
In the picture, you can see the wizard updating the cert and the bucket now shows 3TB Free instead of 2TB.
